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Graywolf Press Partners with Letras Latinas on New Latinx Anthology, We Come from Everything: Poetry for the 21st Century More Here

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The Book of Faces

Author 1
Joseph Campana
Encourage emulation. Inspire idolatry. Be a muse, be a nymph, be a sprite, bewitch me. Rise from obscurity. Set trends. Break habits. Make statements. Count blessings. Distribute kindnesses. Arouse devotion. Devote yourself to nobility. Ascend, ascend, ascend.
—from “How to Be a Star”

“Joseph Campana’s The Book of Faces is an extraordinary debut. Audrey Hepburn (yes) is the muse and channel for his meditations on the seductions of the screen and page, the Bright Lady of his sonnets, the star and spirit who ‘drags / the miracle vapor forth.’ His poems—lovely, witty, sincere or cynical things—are haunted both by Hepburn (and her leading men) and by a fascinating array of literary specters: Catullus, Petrarch, Chaucer, Spenser, Foucault, Barthes. At times, the surface blurs till poetry wears the austere face of prose, and prose assumes the oblique face of poetry. The vocabulary is disarmingly simple, but the syntax is refracted and compressed in beautifully riddling ways. ‘Fix me a you comfort in darkness. . .’ Campana writes, and we can imagine the nectar power of that ‘you comfort,’ that cocktail. The Book of Faces is not the expected fare but something finer, more provocative, enchanting and rich.”—Alice Fulton

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In Joseph Campana’s debut collection, starring Audrey Hepburn, icons of public consumption speak in the language of private devotion

About the Author

Joseph  Campana
Credit: Marcella Hackbardt
Joseph Campana is the author of The Book of Faces. His poems have appeared in Poetry, Colorado Review, New England Review, and elsewhere. He currently teaches Renaissance literature and creative writing at Kenyon College in Ohio.

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  • “…while the pleasures of repetition and variation may be somewhat greater for the poet than the reader, The Book of Faces provides an arresting study in how such pleasure works, and what it does to the psyche.”—Parnassus
  • “Joseph Campana’s The Book of Faces is an extraordinary debut. Audrey Hepburn (yes) is the muse and channel for his meditations on the seductions of the screen and page.”Alice Fulton
  • “The faces of Joseph Campana’s beautifully inventive first collection are those that stare most urgently at us while we grow blind: hunger (spiritual and literal), war, peace, fame, hope, fashion, heartlessness, greed.”—Jorie Graham


This book is made possible, in part, through the Jerome Foundation, which supports new works by emerging artists in New York City and Minnesota, and by the generosity of Graywolf Press donors like you.
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