Contact Us
Graywolf Press is a nonprofit literary publisher with offices in Minneapolis, as well as a presence in the Bay Area and New York City. Our staff is currently working from home.
Graywolf Press
212 Third Avenue North
Suite 485
Minneapolis, MN 55401
General inquiries
Phone: (651) 641-0077
Fax: (651) 641-0036
Email: wolves@graywolfpress.org *preferred
Instructions on how to request permissions can be found within Subsidiary Rights below.
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Media Requests
To download a copy of our latest catalog, please visit the Catalogs page.
To request a review copy or advanced reader’s copy, please email Publicity Director Claire Laine at laine@graywolfpress.org. Make sure to include the title of the book you would like; your name, address, and phone number; and the publication for which you are a reviewer.
High-resolution cover images are available for download directly from the book pages.
Ordering Our Books
Graywolf Press books are printed on acid-free paper and are built to last. We use recycled paper whenever possible. We encourage you to ask for our books at your local bookstore.
Graywolf books are distributed to the trade by Farrar, Straus & Giroux via Macmillan. For any questions about ordering Graywolf books, please email Sales Director Casey O’Neil at oneil@graywolfpress.org.
Bookstore Order Information
[ more + ]Macmillan Customer Service
Toll-free: (888) 330-8477
Address for orders:
Macmillan Publisher Services
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Gordonsville, VA 22942
Phone/Fax Orders:
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International Order Information
[ more + ]Graywolf books are distributed internationally by Macmillan.
Email: sales.international@macmillan.com
Ordering in Canada
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Toll free fax: (800) 565-3770
Email: customerservice@raincoast.com
Publication dates and prices are subject to change without notice.
Nonprofit Organizations and Special Sales
[ more + ]Please email Sales Director Casey O’Neil at oneil@graywolfpress.org.
Academic Requests
[ more + ]Graywolf Press is proud to publish books taught in high school, college, and university classrooms around the country. Citizen by Claudia Rankine, Notes from No Man’s Land by Eula Biss, and many other titles have also been chosen for Common Read programs at institutions across the country. Please contact Sales Director Casey O’Neil at oneil@graywolfpress.org with any questions about course adoptions.
One free desk copy is available for every twenty copies ordered for a course adoption. Click here for more info or to submit a request.
Examination copies of Graywolf books are available for a flat fee of $5.00 for all titles. Requests must be made in writing on school letterhead stating the title and ISBN of the book and the name and anticipated enrollment of the course. Please provide a campus mailing address. Make checks or money orders payable to Macmillan, and send requests to:
Macmillan Publishers
Academic Marketing
120 Broadway
New York, NY 10271
Allow three to four weeks for delivery. All requests are subject to availability and approval. Not valid for addresses outside the United States.
Reading Groups and Book Clubs
[ more + ]Graywolf Press has the perfect read for your book club! We publish books that will challenge your assumptions and stimulate conversation, from international fiction to memoirs and essays, provocative poetry collections, and more. Many of our authors are also available for in-person or Skype visits. Please contact laine@graywolfpress.org for author availability.
Reading group guides and discussion questions for Claudia Rankine’s Citizen can be found on the book page and Citizen in the Classroom page. Many other books in the Graywolf catalog also have discussion questions posted on their individual book pages. If you are looking for questions for a particular title and can’t find them, please contact Sales Director Casey O’Neil at oneil@graywolfpress.org.
Accessible Editions
[ more + ]Graywolf Press is committed to making its books accessible to all. The font size in ebook editions of our books can be increased, and “text to speech” options are available. Graywolf donates books to Minnesota State Services for the Blind, which creates audio recordings for the vision impaired. We also seek out audiobook partners for key titles.
Some Graywolf titles are available in large print through Thorndike, and some titles are available in alternative formats through the Library of Congress. Please email Sales Director Casey O’Neil at oneil@graywolfpress.org to request an accessible format of a particular book.
Book Donations
[ more + ]Graywolf Press is committed to getting our books into the hands of impassioned readers. Our book donations are a small, but key, part of that mission.
We give priority to:
- Organizations based in Minnesota
- Organizations with a personal connection to Graywolf
- Organizations with a mission that aligns with Graywolf or the titles we publish
- Organizations that support incarcerated communities
- Schools
- Literary organizations that specialize in community outreach
With few exceptions, we do not donate our books to be sold or raffled off for fundraising purposes. We strongly prefer that our donated books are offered free of charge, directly to readers.
We request, but do not require, acknowledgment of the donation. Any narrative about the organization and its use of the book is particularly useful to us.
Some organizations receive regular donations from us throughout the year. If you know of an organization that could benefit from a regular influx of books, please reach out to Leslie Johnson at johnson@graywolfpress.org or call our office at 612-641-0077.
Publishing with Graywolf
Graywolf does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Visit our Submissions page to learn more about Graywolf’s submission policies.
Subsidiary Rights
Graywolf licenses subsidiary rights to our titles in many formats, around the world.
Permission Requests
[ more + ]If you are interested in reprinting part of a Graywolf book, please send the following information by mail, fax, or email to Fred Courtright of The Permissions Company (contact information below). Please apply for permission as far in advance as possible. We receive many requests and need adequate time to process them. Please do not send your request more than once.
For all requests
- Graywolf author, book title, and title of poem, story, or essay (or page numbers) you wish to use
- Your email address, fax number, or mailing address
For reprint in a book
- Details of how you’re using the requested material within your own work
- Title of your book
- Estimated price and page length of your book
- Format (hardcover, paperback)
- Estimated print run
- Territory requested (United States, North America, or world)
- Your publisher
For reprint in a magazine, newspaper, newsletter, or journal
- Title of your publication
- Estimated circulation
- Your publisher
For reprint on a website
- Website address
- Length of time you wish to have the work posted
For a musical setting
- Details about plans for publishing, recording, or performing the work
For any other use, please send a query.
Fred T. Courtright, President
The Permissions Company, LLC
6101 Old Court Road #139
Boca Raton, FL 33433
Email: PermDude@eclipse.net
Rights Inquiries
[ more + ]Please direct paperback, foreign, audio, film/TV, and other subsidiary rights inquiries to Graywolf’s rights director, Associate Publisher Katie Dublinski, at dublinski@graywolfpress.org.
To download a copy of our latest catalog, please visit the Catalogs page.
Graywolf’s titles are represented by agents in the following territories. If your region is not included on this list, please contact Katie Dublinski directly.
China and Taiwan
Vincent Lin
Big Apple Agency
Email: vincent-lin@bigapple1-taipei.com
Catherine Lapautre
Agence Michelle Lapautre
Email: catherine@lapautre.com
Germany, Russia, Central Europe, Eastern Europe
Niclas Schmoll
Michael Meller Agency
Email: n.schmoll@melleragency.com
Evangelia Avloniti
Ersilia Literary Agency
Email: info@ersilialit.com
Geula Geurts
Deborah Harris Agency
Email: geula@thedeborahharrisagency.com
Clementina Liuzzi
Clementina Liuzzi Agency
Email: agency@litag.it
Asako Kawachi
Tuttle-Mori Agency
Email: asako@tuttlemori.com
Spain, Portugal, Latin America
María Lynch
Casanovas & Lynch Agencia Literaria
Email: maria@casanovaslynch.com
Amy Spangler
AnatoliaLit Agency
Email: amy@anatolialit.com

Graywolf’s authors are recognized worldwide and the staff is outstanding in every measurable way.