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Graywolf Press Partners with Letras Latinas on New Latinx Anthology, We Come from Everything: Poetry for the 21st Century More Here

Book Title

Little Mercy

Author 1
Robin Walter
Poem Excerpt


I can’t recall

my own name—


I mean, sometimes

can’t sleep, can’t




all about



Still, the day opens. Call me

meadow. Call me horse.

River, call me—


—from “Robin has always been my name”

In award-winning poet Robin Walter’s debut collection, Little Mercy, writing and looking—seeing feelingly—become a practice in radical care. These poems pursue moments of shared recognition, when looking up to see a deer across a stream, or when sunlight passes through wingtip onto palm, the self found in other, the river in vein of wrist.

Attuned to the transparent beauty in the natural world, Walter’s poems are often glancing observations unspooling down the page, their delicacies belying their powers of profound knowing. The formal logic of this work is the intricate architecture of a nest. Each line becomes a blade of grass, each dash a little twig, each parenthesis a small feather—all woven together deliberately, seemingly fragile but held fast with surprising strength. In their lyric variations, repetitions, and fragments, employed toward a deep attention to wren, river, and reflection, the human almost falls away entirely, a steady and steadying state of being that is unconscious, expansive.

Written out of a broken landscape in a broken time, Little Mercy is a book of gratitude, one that draws our inner selves to the present and living world, to the ways we can break and mend.

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6 x 9
Winner of the Academy of American Poets First Book Award, selected by Victoria Chang

About the Author

Robin  Walter
Credit: Susan Shapard Biggs
Robin Walter is a poet, book artist, and printmaker. Her writing has appeared in the American Poetry Review, Seneca Review, West Branch, and elsewhere. She teaches at Colorado State University and lives in Fort Collins, Colorado.
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Upcoming Events

Marie Mutsuki Mockett (THE TREE DOCTOR), Harryette Mullen (REGAINING UNCONSCIOUSNESS), Mai Der Vang (PRIMORDIAL), and Robin Walter (LITTLE MERCY) appearing as part of "The Art of Noticing in the Age of Disappearance" at AWP

AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) in College Park, MDview map
LOCATION: Room 403A, Level Two, Los Angeles Convention Center. Moderated by Graywolf Press Assistant Editor Brittany Torres Rivera. Click here for more details and to register for AWP.

Robin Walter reading and in conversation with Dan Beachy-Quick at the Center for Creativity for LITTLE MERCY

Center for Creativity in view map
This event is free and open to the public. Find more information here.

Robin Walter reading and in conversation with Oluwaseun Olayiwola for LITTLE MERCY at Books Are Magic

Books Are Magic (Montague Street) in Brooklyn, NYview map

Robin Walter reading and in conversation with Ramona Ausubel for LITTLE MERCY at Boulder Book Store

Boulder Book Store in Boulder, COview map
This event is ticketed. Purchase tickets and learn more here.

Robin Walter reading and in conversation with Rebecca Spiegel for LITTLE MERCY at Tattered Cover Bookstore

Tattered Cover Book Store - Colfax Avenue in Denver, COview map

Jim Moore (ENTER) and Robin Walter (LITTLE MERCY) reading and in conversation at Magers & Quinn

Magers & Quinn in Minneapolis, MNview map
Free and open to the public. Copies of Enter and Little Mercy will be available for purchase from Magers & Quinn.


  • “The scenery of Colorado comes alive on the page: chickadees sing, honeybees flit, lilies blossom. Walter’s delicate poems hold the reader close and extol the beauty of the natural world.”—Skylar Miklus, Electric Literature
  • Little Mercy is an unflustered, exquisite debut that declares in one of its many strong, sure lines that seem truest in their calm unfolding: ‘Still, the day opens.’ The whole book is a series of constant, further, and deeper openings, twigs under stillness and rivers under skin.”Poetry Northwest
  • “When the reader encounters these poems on the page, time unfolds (and refolds, enfolds, foals, and foils) in their arrangements, and when the reader recites these poems, one can feel space bending and waning, waging their own little mercies aloud. Such music. Robin Walter sings.”—Kazim Ali
  • “These poems are persuasive testimony to the ‘practicing [of] love, then grief’ that our lives mostly amount to. If each day that we’re still alive on earth is a little mercy, so too is this tender, exciting spell of a debut.”—Carl Phillips
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