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Graywolf Press Partners with Letras Latinas on New Latinx Anthology, We Come from Everything: Poetry for the 21st Century More Here

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Into English

Poems, Translations, Commentaries
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Edited by Martha Collins and Kevin Prufer
Into English presents poems, translations, and commentaries in an extraordinary format for readers to experience the intricacy and artistry of poetry in translation. Editors Martha Collins and Kevin Prufer invited twenty-five contributors, all of whom are translators and most of whom are also poets, to select one poem in another language and three English translations of it and provide an essay about the challenges of translating it. This wide-format anthology offers the original poem side by side with the translations, so readers can compare several different ways a poem can be rendered into English. Organized chronologically, the anthology opens with a poem in ancient Greek by Sappho beside translations by Anne Carson, Willis Barnstone, and Mary Barnard, followed by an essay by Karen Emmerich. 
         The original poems are by poets from across time and from around the world, including Basho, Rilke, Akhmatova, García Lorca, Szymborska, Amichai, and Adonis. The languages represented are many, from Latin to Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, and Haitian Creole. More than seventy translators are included, among them Robert Bly, Ruth Fainlight, David Hinton, Rosemary Lloyd, Khaled Mattawa, and W. S. Merwin. Into English becomes a chorus in celebration of world poetry and translation—what George Kalogeris, quoting Virgil, describes as “song replying to song replying to song.”

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 A unique anthology that "plunges the reader into a translation seminar." (Rosanna Warren)

About the Author

Martha  Collins
Credit: Doug Macomber

Martha Collins is the author of eight books of poetry, including Admit One: An American Scrapbook, Day Unto Day, White Papers, and Blue Front. She has also published four collections of co-translated Vietnamese poems, most recently Black Stars: Poems by Ngo Tu Lap, as well as translations from Spanish, German, Italian, and French. She is most recently editor of Into English, with Kevin Prufer.

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Kevin  Prufer
Credit: Emy Johnston

Kevin Prufer is the author of six collections of poems, most recently Churches, In a Beautiful Country, and National Anthem. He has also served as co-editor of numerous volumes, including New European Poets and Literary Publishing in the Twenty­-First Century. Prufer teaches in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston and at Lesley University’s Low-Residency MFA Program. He is most recently editor of Into English, with Martha Collins.

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  • Into English is a book to be meditated on, a book that exposes the vast inner chasms of poetry, a book that demonstrates that a great poem is something one can live in.”The Paris Review, Staff Picks 
  • Into English is an impressive and ambitious project. . . . It is a genuine pleasure to read this book from its oblong cover to cover.”Words Without Borders
  • “The publication of Into English will soon be considered a watershed moment in the study of literary translation.”World Literature Today
  • “By reframing this impossibility of translation as a good thing, Into English makes a powerful argument for poetry as a whole.”Babbel
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